Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Chronicles of Bicycle: Superwoman

Another entry.... about cycling in Kampar...

Ben... I think we really need that cool multi-peripheral view sunglasses mentioned in your blog....

Anyway..... After class, me, Nicole, Vanezsha, and Wee Leng went for dinner at Wing's Cottage. After the yummy dinner, we cycle nonchalantly back to the house... We chatted, waved at each other, and make stupid jokes, all the way...

That was soooooooo nice..... Enjoying the company of my friends.... Then I did something quite daring.... I took both my hands off the handles when going down the slope...

Hahaha.... Those who followed Chronicles of Bicycle might probably guess that "Oh..... There she falls again..."

Well.... Sorry to disappoint you guys.... but I didn't fall.... Nicole did, when she was trying to be Superwoman going down the slope. She skinned her knee and bruised her palm... And she was so well- mannered she actually asked for permission to curse... Haha.... If it was me, I would've curse till the whole Westlake also can hear!!

Anyway.... Fortunately, Wee Leng drove past us, and send her home. And me, being the stupid "genius" tried to cycle both bikes home.... Nearly crash into Vanezsha!!! But Wee Leng came back to help us push the bike...

And... I did what I do best, clean the wound and dress it.... I hope no infection...

Lesson of the story is, don't cycle without hands on the handle and eyes on the road, especially when going down slope!!

PS: Zac... What you told us was not entirely true..... My butt can't do the job of balancing the bike when I cycle free-hand!!

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