I have had my fair share of experience camping so this experience wasn't entirely new to me. However, the highlights for me were the water- rafting and also night jungle trekking. Both experiences were terrifying but exciting at the same time. The physical challenges were equally fun, even though I did some of them before. The interesting part was that the challenges were done with different strategy and ways compared to last time. Very interesting human interaction indeed!!
Again, no camp is complete without me ending up in the sick bay... I got stomach cramps the moment I got onto the bus (No, it wasn't anxiety... I am a seasoned camper...) I think it was the food I took the night before... And also, I cut my fingers with the rope during the Tarzan Swing physical activity. It was rather embarrassing since I don't know how, sort of let go of the rope when I fell into the not-so-deep water. And since I can't swim and I can't stand on the slippery base either, I think I spent at least 5 seconds underwater, thinking that I was going to drown. Imagine my panic!! Thanks to the guys around whom I can't remember their names for pulling me out of the water!!
Ok, let the pictures do the talking... Photo credits to Ooi Chee Chuan, Wilson Teoh, Danny Shee, and Marcus Ooi.

We splashed each other with water once we get near each other...

He was hilarious!!

Until accident happened...
Danny and Maddy... You two ROCK!!!

Though the camp fire wasn't up to satisfaction,
but I think some of them had a great time..

Marcus only managed to capture my hair (the redhead on the right)...

Guess whose butt is that? ;)

(That girl was not me... I think it was Hui Kee)
But this one for me was a little boring...
I did flying fox for like... five or six times before...

(The camp was opened to non-members as well)

About 80 people there...

From left, Rainz, Sin Yee, Jamie, Mei Jing, Amanda,
Eric Tan, Yuen Four, Hoong, me, Mui Xian

I already injured... Half dead with the overflooding of pain signals...
And Danny took an embarassing picture of me...
It was a great camp. Thanks to the committees for all your effort. It was fun and beneficial, despite the aches and lethargy after the camp.
I am not a committee of the First Aid Society and no one pay me to advertise, but ladies and gentleman, JOIN THE FIRST AID SOCIETY!! All the activities are truly beneficial and fun!
I am not a committee of the First Aid Society and no one pay me to advertise, but ladies and gentleman, JOIN THE FIRST AID SOCIETY!! All the activities are truly beneficial and fun!
Looking forward to this weekend's First Aid special training...
I wonder if I can pass the St John Corporal test again or not...
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