Monday, July 20, 2009

All About Food

I really don't know since when I am so addicted to cooking... I am not exactly a good cook, but I really like experimenting with food...

Let's see what I made last week...

Finely mince pork with garlic oil

Fried Fish Balls... Fried to golden brown... Perfection!!

Fish cake sandwich

Sliced potatoes with mixed vegetables...
According to Vee, the secret of the dish is finely sliced potatoes stir-fried till crispy.

Stir-fried minced pork with soy sauce.
I fried it till it's cripsy... Yummy...

This is a purely experimental dish.
Finely chopped carrot cooked with meat and wrapped in lettuce.
Very nyonya-style... Saw it on TV some time ago...
And YY and Vee said its nice!! Yay!!

Stir-fried nai bak with carrot

Chicken with sweet sauce...
Or at least I meant it to be sweet.
But Vee said it was more salty than sweet... Yikes~~

Fish cake coated with sugar.
YY said she dislike the onion taste in it.
So I thought why not experiment a little and coat it with sugar...
Turned out to be quite tasty actually!!

Boiled lettuce with garlic oil

Blogging about this makes me hungry~~
Fat? What fat? Isn't being able to eat a blessing? Eat all you can guys!! Hahahaha...

PS : If anyone reading this has any recipes or any ideas that you feel like experimenting, we can share and play with food, with a legal reason!! Hahaha... As long as it is simple and time-saving... We are students with extra crammed schedule that cannot afford to spend too much time on leisure cooking...


accumaximum said...

Don't be panic. Measured amounts of samples need to be extracted.


accumaximum said...

Don't be panic. Measured amounts of samples need to be extracted.



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