I am at the end of Year 1...
I gotta tell you guys this : Time flies when you are having fun!
Anyway, didn't really take much pictures this semester. Mostly because I wasn't that active in events this semester, plus, all academic stuff have robbed me of my time to go shopping, thus no new clothes to camwhore with...
Anyway, I have some pretty "academic" pictures to share with, and of course, some highlights of this semester!
Cell Biology was fun this semester. A lot of cell viewing and not a lot of reports to do...
There are several interesting microscopic slides I want to show... Hehehe...

This is a root tip.
We were suppose to identify the plasmodesmate, which is a transport channel between cells.

This is a spirogyra. I simply admire such organisation and biological design in this small cell.
I particularly like the spiral shape DNA and the plastids.

This... Is what I do in Cell Bio lab...
Playing Substance-Tarik with test tubes, literally...

This... Is what Kumutha do in lab...
She advocates PEACE!!

Serious work time... For Kumutha at least...

This is a protein test.
The purple test tube tested positive for protein by Biuret's reagent;
the blue one is the negative control test.
I like the hue of the colour.

This is a very unorthodox Iodine test for starch.
This is a pulp of mashed potates...
Iodine solution turned into blue black smiley face due to the presence of starch!

This smiley face, however is brown...
This is because this onion pulp has no starch...
I also enjoy Anatomy & Physiology II lab a lot this semester, mainly due to the very nice lecturer Dr Michelle and of course, the lack of reports to rush...

This is a slice of your small intestine, ladies and gentlemen.

This is a microscopic slide of that is inside your balls, gentlemen.
See those small little dots in the centre? Those are your not mature baby sperms...

This is how normal breast tissues look like...

This is how lactating breast tissues look like...
Lactating means mothers that can feed breast milk la...
Notice how much the tissues expanded to accommodate the milk...
Very painful process...

I'd consider the urine test experiment as the highlight of our A&P II lab.
See how we so carefully labelled the cups as to avoid confusion ;)
*I wonder what will happen if one really mix up the urine collection cup and the drinking cup*

Champion in urine production!!
Drink the least amount of water, but produce the most urine!

The four very very honoured urine supplier!
I was the tester that gets to play with syringes and test tube!!
Okay... Put aside academic stuff...
Huge thanks to Charine, Sok San, Kar Moon, Si Feng and all the organisers!
And Happy Birthday to Yong Shiang again!

Looks yummy right?

Yummy le...
Chicken marinated with curry and... erm... I am not quite sure what the other one is...

I do what I do best... EAT!
With Nicole!

Zach looks like he is advertising for some... Don't know what product! LOL!

And we were requested to do one emo pose...
I wonder what Kumutha is trying to do...
This semester was fun! I hope next semester is going to be equally kick-ass!!